Siu Wun Cheung

Date Updates
July 2024 In WCCM2024, I will give an overview talk on our open-source software libROM.
July 2024 Our paper on a new point selection algorithm for hyper-reduction is published in SISC.
July 2024 Our paper on non-intrusive surrogate modeling for pore collapse dynamics is published in SHOC.
July 2024 Our paper on thermodynamics-informed latent space dynamics identification with neural networks is published in CMAME.
June 2024 Our paper on generative modeling for stratigraphic geology is published in PETGEO.
March 2024 Our book chapter on latent space dynamics identification is available on arXiv.
August 2023 In ICIAM2023, I co-organized a minisymposium and presented our work on S-OPT point selection algorithm for hyper-reduction.
July 2023 In USNCCM17, I gave an overview talk on our open-source software libROM.
March 2023 In SIAM CSE23, I presented our work on reduced order models for Lagrangian hydrodynamics.
Februrary 2023 Our paper on a new residual-driven DG adaptive multiscale model reduction method is published in MMS.
January 2023 Our paper on a new multiscale model reduction method for nonlinear multicontinuum flow is published in JCP.
October 2022 In 2nd MFEM Community Workshop, I gave an overview talk on our open-source software libROM, and their applications to MFEM-based finite element simulation. A recording is now available on Youtube.
October 2022 Our paper on physics-aware localized reduced order models for Rayleigh-Taylor instability is published in JCP.
September 2022 In SIAM MDS22, I presented our work on reduced order models for Lagrangian hydrodynamics.
July 2022 In 6th Annual Sandia MLDL Workshop, I presented on our work on S-OPT point selection algorithm for hyper-reduction.
May 2022 In MWNAD 2022, I presented our work on multiscale methods for physical processes in high contrast heterogeneous porous media.
April 2022 In SIAM UQ22, I presented our work on reduced order models for Lagrangian hydrodynamics.
November 2021 Our paper on an explicit DG multiscale model reduction scheme for wave propagation is published in MMS.
November 2021 Our paper on reduced order models for Lagrangian hydrodynamics is published in CMAME.
November 2021 Our paper on an analysis of a non-local upscaling for multicontinuum flow is published in JCAM.
October 2021 Our paper on iterative oversampling multiscale model reduction method is published in AMC.
July 2021 In USNCCM16, I presented our work on reduced order model simulation for hydrodynamic instability.
June 2021 In SIAM GS21, I presented our work on multiscale and upscaling methods for multicontinuum flow.
May 2021 In PETER 2021 NMH, I presented our work on reduced order model simulation for hydrodynamic instability.
July 2020 I am excited to start my new journey in CASC at LLNL.


Research Scientist
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
May 2023 - Present
Livermore, CA
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
July 2020 - May 2023
Livermore, CA
Research Engineer Intern
ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions
May 2019 - August 2019
Spring, TX
Research & Teaching Assistant
Texas A&M University
January 2017 - May 2020
College Station, TX
Research & Teaching Assistant
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
August 2014 - December 2016
Hong Kong
REU Intern
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
June 2013 - August 2013
Oak Ridge, TN


PhD in Mathematics
Texas A&M University
Advisor: Professor Yalchin Efendiev
January 2017 - May 2020
College Station, TX
MPhil in Mathematics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Advisor: Professor Eric T. Chung
August 2014 - July 2016
Hong Kong
BSc in Mathematics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
First Class Honours
August 2011 - July 2014
Hong Kong


Research Interests
  • Reduced-order modeling
  • Multiscale finite element methods
  • Discontinuous Galerkin methods
  • Scientific machine learning
Scientific Softwares
  • libROM, a free, lightweight, scalable C++ library for data-driven physical simulation methods
  • pylibROM, Python interface for libROM
Publications & Preprints
  1. Christophe Bonneville, Xiaolong He, April Tran, Jun Sur Park, William Fries, Daniel A Messenger, Siu Wun Cheung, Yeonjong Shin, David M Bortz, Debojyoti Ghosh, Jiun-Shyan Chen, Jonathan Belof, and Youngsoo Choi.
    A Comprehensive Review of Latent Space Dynamics Identification Algorithms for Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Reduced-Order-Modeling.
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.10748.

  2. Jessica T. Lauzon, Siu Wun Cheung, Yeonjong Shin, Youngsoo Choi, Dylan Matthew Copeland, and Kevin Huynh.
    S-OPT: a points selection algorithm for hyper-reduction in reduced order models.
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46-4 (2024), B474-B501.

  3. Siu Wun Cheung, Youngsoo Choi, H. Keo Springer, and Teeratorn Kadeethum.
    Data-scarce surrogate modeling of shock-induced pore collapse process.
    Shock Waves, 34 (2024), 237-256.

  4. Jun Sur Richard Park, Siu Wun Cheung, Youngsoo Choi, and Yeonjong Shin.
    tLaSDI: Thermodynamics-informed latent space dynamics identification.
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 429 (2024), 117144.

  5. Siu Wun Cheung, Amit Kushwaha, Huafei Sun, and Xiao-Hui Wu.
    Stochastic representation and conditioning of process-based geological model by deep generative and recognition networks.
    Petroleum Geoscience, 30 (2024), petgeo2022-032.

  6. Qing Wan, Siu Wun Cheung, and Yoonsuck Choe.
    AdjointBackMapV2: Precise Reconstruction of Arbitrary CNN Unit's Activation via Adjoint Operators.
    Neural Networks, 170 (2024), 55-71.

  7. Sai-Mang Pun and Siu Wun Cheung.
    Online adaptive algorithm for constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale discontinuous Galerkin method.
    Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 23 (2023), 168-193.

  8. Tina Mai, Siu Wun Cheung, and Jun Sur Richard Park.
    Constraint Energy Minimizing Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method for multi-continuum Richards equations.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 477 (2023), 111915.

  9. Siu Wun Cheung, Youngsoo Choi, Dylan Matthew Copeland, and Kevin Huynh.
    Local Lagrangian reduced-order modeling for Rayleigh-Taylor instability by solution manifold decomposition.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 472 (2023), 111655.

  10. Jingyan Zhang and Siu Wun Cheung.
    Analysis of non-local multicontinuum upscaling for dual continuum model.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 406 (2022), 113873.

  11. Dylan Matthew Copeland, Siu Wun Cheung, Kevin Huynh, and Youngsoo Choi.
    Reduced order models for Lagrangian hydrodynamics.
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 388 (2022), 114259.

  12. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric Chung, Yalchin Efendiev, Wing Tat Leung, and Sai-Mang Pun.
    Iterative oversampling technique for constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method in the mixed formulation.
    Applied Mathematics and Computation, 415 (2022), 126622.

  13. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric T. Chung, Yalchin Efendiev, and Wing Tat Leung.
    Explicit and energy-conserving constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale discontinuous Galerkin method for wave propagation in heterogeneous media.
    Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 19 (2021), 1736-1759.

  14. Jun Sur Richard Park, Siu Wun Cheung, and Tina Mai.
    Multiscale simulations for multi-continuum Richards equations.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 397 (2021), 113648.

  15. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric T. Chung, Yalchin Efendiev, Wing Tat Leung, and Maria Vasilyeva.
    Constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method for dual continuum model.
    Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 18 (2020), 663-685.

  16. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric Chung, and Wing Tat Leung.
    Constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale discontinuous Galerkin method.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 380 (2020), 112960.

  17. Jun Sur Richard Park, Siu Wun Cheung, Tina Mai, and Viet Ha Hoang.
    Multiscale simulations for upscaled multi-continuum flows.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 374 (2020), 112782.

  18. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric T. Chung, Yalchin Efendiev, Eduardo Gildin, Yating Wang, and Jingyan Zhang.
    Deep global model reduction learning in porous media flow simulation.
    Computational Geosciences, 24 (2020), 261-274.

  19. Yating Wang, Siu Wun Cheung, Eric T. Chung, Yalchin Efendiev, and Min Wang.
    Deep multiscale model learning.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 406 (2020), 109071.

  20. Min Wang, Siu Wun Cheung, Wing Tat Leung, Eric T. Chung, Yalchin Efendiev, and Mary Wheeler.
    Reduced-order deep learning for flow dynamics. The interplay between deep learning and model reduction.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 401 (2020), 108939.

  21. Min Wang, Siu Wun Cheung, Eric T. Chung, Maria Vasilyeva, and Yuhe Wang.
    Generalized multiscale multicontinuum model for fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 366 (2020), 112370.

  22. Min Wang, Siu Wun Cheung, Eric Chung, Yalchin Efendiev, Wing Tat Leung, and Yating Wang.
    Prediction of discretization of GMsFEM using deep learning.
    Mathematics, 7 (2019), 412.

  23. Jingyan Zhang, Siu Wun Cheung, Yalchin Efendiev, Eduardo Gildin, and Eric T. Chung.
    Deep model reduction-model learning for reservoir simulation.
    SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Society of Petroleum Engineers (2019), 193912-MS.

  24. Maria Vasilyeva, Eric T. Chung, Siu Wun Cheung, Yating Wang, and Georgy Prokopev.
    Nonlocal multicontinua upscaling for multicontinua flow problems in fractured porous media.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 355 (2019), 258-267.

  25. Siu Wun Cheung and Nilabja Guha.
    Dynamic data-driven Bayesian GMsFEM.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 353 (2019), 72-85.

  26. Siu Wun Cheung and Eric T. Chung.
    An embedded SDG method for the convection-diffusion equation.
    International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 16 (2019), 255-275.

  27. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric Chung, and Hyea Hyun Kim.
    A mass conservative scheme for fluid-structure interaction problems by the staggered discontinuous Galerkin method.
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 74 (2018), 1423–1456.

  28. Yalchin Efendiev, Wing Tat Leung, Siu Wun Cheung, Nilabja Guha, Viet Ha Hoang, and Bani Mallick.
    Bayesian multiscale finite element methods. Modeling missing subgrid information probabilistically.
    International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 15 (2017), 175–197.

  29. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric Chung, Hyea Hyun Kim, and Yue Qian.
    Staggered discontinuous Galerkin methods for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 302 (2015), 251-266.

  30. Yiwei Zhao, Siu Wun Cheung, Ying Wai Li, and Markus Eisenbach.
    Performance of replica-exchange Wang-Landau sampling for the 2D Ising model: a brief survey.
    Physics Procedia, 57 (2014), 43-47.


Minisymposium talk
SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science 2024
Atlanta, GA
Minisymposium talk
16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics
Minisymposium talk
10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Minisymposium talk
17th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics
Albuquerque, NM
Minisymposium talk
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2023
Contributed talk
2nd MFEM Community Workshop
Minisymposium talk
SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science 2022
San Diego, CA
Contributed talk
6th Annual Sandia Machine Learning and Deep Learning Workshop
Contributed talk
Midwest Numerical Analysis Day 2022
Ann Arbor, MI
Minisymposium talk
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification 2022
Atlanta, GA
Invited talk
6th Coastal Bend Mathematics & Statistics Conference
Minisymposium talk
16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics
Minisymposium talk
SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences 2021
Contributed talk
12th International Conference on New Models and Hydrocodes for Shock Wave Physics
Minisymposium talk
SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science 2020
Minisymposium talk
SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences 2019
Houston, TX
Contributed poster presentation
2019 Rice Oil & Gas HPC Conference
Houston, TX
Contributed poster presentation
ICERM Workshop: Scientific Machine Learning
Providence, RI
Contributed talk
2018 Finite Element Rodeo
Baton Rouge, LA


Teaching Assistant, Texas A&M University (2017-2020)
Instructor, Numerical Analysis Qualifer Preparation
Summer 2018
Recitation, MATH151 Engineering Mathematics I
Fall 2017
Teaching Assistant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2014-2016)
MATH1050 Foundation of Modern Mathematics
2016-17 Term 1
MATH2055 Introduction to Analysis
2016-17 Term 1
MMAT5240 Optimization and Modelling
2016-17 Term 1
MMAT5520 Differential Equation and Linear Algebra
2016-17 Term 1
MATH2221 Mathematics Laboratory II
2015-16 Term 2
MATH1510 Calculus for Engineers
2015-16 Term 1
MATH1030 Linear Algebra I
2014-15 Term 2
MATH1510 Calculus for Engineers
2014-15 Term 1